Nosheen, a self-taught home cook hailing from Pakistan, resides in a small town along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Her passion for cooking was cultivated early on as she acquired the fundamental skills of Pakistani cuisine from her mother and grandmother. Despite the geographical distance from her homeland, Nosheen frequently yearned for authentic dishes like Nihari, Seekh Kebab, and Biryani. With a scarcity of South Asian restaurants in her vicinity, she dedicated the past two decades to meticulously recreating these childhood recipes, striving to capture the exact flavors she fondly remembers. A few years back, she established her blog,, to generously share her extensive collection of recipes with the wider audience.
Tag: recipedeveloper
Sonali Shah is a London-based food stylist, food writer and chef. She holds a chef’s diploma from Leiths’ Having assisted the UK’s leading food stylists for a number of years, she’s now taking on lead food styling projects of my own – with experience in editorial, commercial and moving image. Having previously worked as a recipe development chef at the UK’s fastest growing recipe box company, Sonali is well versed in recipe writing, testing and ghost writing. She also has experience as a home economist for film and tv and has worked as a private chef at a variety of events ranging from large-scale, to boutique high-end private dining.